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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Place Windows on your Esteem computer using the Mouse

Sometimes, may be for the objective of getting screenshots, you want to position plan windows at particular places on your desktop. The rabbit can help.

A fast tip. If you want to windows more completely on your desktop, you should use the pointer important factors on the laptop key pad instead of the rabbit. Here is how.

While the plan screen that you want to switch is in the front, media Alt + Spacebar to start the list and then hit the “M” key. Now use the pointer important factors to switch that screen around on the desktop. The screen will switch by 11 p towards the pointer key per press.

You can then hit the Get into key to position the screen at the new position or hit the Break free key to come back the screen to its past location.

This fast way has been around since XP and is especially useful during screencasting when you have to arrange windows completely in the restricted documenting place.

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